Thursday, October 27, 2011

2x Event This Fri/Sun

Note tab:
5-6pm PST 2x EXP
6-7pm PST 2x AP


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

By no means necessary is this player harassment, just a forewarning.

As the title says, it has come to my quick attention there is a Vindictus Buy Gear website out there hosted by the leader of BlackRavens (The infamous forum scammer HeavenlyDrop).  Without a doubt, it's almost common sense to avoid his website not only because of the fact that you're entering a keylogger website, but it's also tangible to accessing your personal information.  This information has been passed on to me by a local cohort.
As my #1 Recommendation, and even with the fake quotes and fake information that the website provides, avoid it at all costs.

Some of you already know his IGN in-game, which I will not provide but is *hint* *hint* obvious.
Someone -ahem- even has the nerve to sign up to make it a fansite for the official Vindictus website.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Infinite Fissure/Conviction Glitch

Exclusive to WTP.
Excuse my terrible recording ability, and although it was only done twice (due to severe lag issues), it is infinite.

Patch 9 includes an Infinite Fissure/Conviction Glitch, which allows the 2nd transformation user to execute multiple fissures/convictions within the 1:10 span of time given.

It is performed by executing the Skill (Default Z), then immediately switching to another skill (Default X).  The user has about a frame of .5 second to execute, then switch the skill.  If done correctly, the skill will light up again.

Note: This is just a glitch, most likely it will be fixed, but use it to your advantage while it's still out and while Colru raids are extremely difficult :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Ikame! Regards from WeTheProud and other communities!

Oh, no. It's not that simple.

The first time I set my sight upon the ign, "Ikame Lv. 20", we both knew this was destiny.
However, such a destiny was slightly deterred after two months of seeing, "Ikame Lv. 21"

And then..............It finally happened......
"Ikame Lv. 60"
Yes, it was quite glorious. In fact, I was relishing the moment I could finally play the game with a fellow senior citizen of WeTheProud.  And alas, it never gets old.
Ikame, as well as other members of WTP are solely the few members who have remained for such a prolonged period of time.  
Hence, it is to my greatest honor and due respect that I congratulate Ikame for her birthday and her dedication as a member of WTP!
But what really makes her special isn't solely the slapdash imagery that she's an anonymous perpetrator seeking to seize the individual's sweat-earned treasure by utilizing the aspect of "gender" to seduce the average Otaku for falling such a trap.  Just trolling.
Of course not, and in fact what really categorizes and detaches her from the norm is that she's been there.
A true member. A true friend that has the patience and mentality to consider a second chance. 
Even in times when she had to make sacrifices and sum up the greatest courage to leave everyone behind.
Ikame, to this day I don't know what you were thinking at that moment, but I assure you, I took that second chance.

We all had a choice that day Ikame, I'm sure everybody can recall.  And remember the first thing we agreed upon before we created our community?  Although our sanguine peace was such a fleeting moment, there will come a day when destiny will drive us apart.  That day will never end, and it repeats itself in a continuous loop that even God cannot forsake us to.  

Ikame has been more than a friend to us.  More than family.
And by God, she always will be.

The choices we make in our lives, make us who we are.
-Le end of Soap Opera-

(Rationally Ablazed Poignant Insane Sudden Troll: HI THERE, YOU LOOK FOR GUILD? Don't worry little-hopefully-not-underage-so-chris-hanson-won't-find-me-girl you can just hop right next to my pole and sit on it gently! Relax! I'm sure your friend will enjoy it too!  ^_________________________________________^

Innocent Knowledgable Amicable Marauded Evie: .................................OKAY :D

*Just kidding x)*
Disappointed? What were you people thinking? Corrupted minds 8D...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY IKAME! REGARDS FROM WeTheProud, KamikazeHeroes, HotieSoulSeekers, |KiNg|, Homebodies, and Clairvuyence!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Halloween! (Secret Treat Inside)

Happy Halloween!
To all members of WeTheProud! (11 days early)

We're looking into a new transition for the Winter Vindictus season!
With Ep 9 out, Ep 9 PT. 2 (Dragon Raid) is speculated to arrive in December and hopefully Ep 10!
The final climax is almost here for Vindictus as the game will end on Ep. 10 (Confirmed) and reach a new Season 2.

With Ep 9 finally out, this is a CALL OUT to all our old members of WeTheProud who have stayed dormant!  With new content finally available we will be hosting another 
Recruiting Event
Rules will apply as our old events, but with a few significant changes such as the time period.
This event is still W.I.P, and the prize will range from NX to a large sum of GOLD.

Hence, please submit your poll answers to the liking of a prize!

Additionally, the roles of our Admins have changed since patch 8.  Previously we were assigned with 3 Administrators:
Hotori, AngelaEckert, and LadyofPain
However, AngelaEckert and LadyofPain have retired from Vindictus.  Truly they have delivered a superb job in serving their greatest dedication and perseverance in shaping the community of WTP.

To this date, our role book is enlisted as:

Within the next month we will begin to scout for another possible Administrator as our 3rd.

(-le note-, the pic is not otaku.)

*Le secret* Ep10 BGM is hidden in the Nexon Sound Folder. Access it by Computer/C:/Nexon/Vindictus/en-US/sound/bgm/bgm_ep10_ancient_dragon
Sounds a bit similar to the Glas theme.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Episode 9/10 Armor/Weapons Including Stats

Episode 9. info cap from
Greetings fellow members of WTP! Here is the upcoming details of episode 9's armor/weapon stats.  Overall, there is a general STA boost for the set.  However, there is a small portion of DEF sacrificed.
More info to be posted!

Level 61 Armor

Colru Light

Colru Plate Fiona
Colru Plate Karok
Colru Plate Lann

Level 61 Weapons

Staff L 61
Scythe L 61

Long Hammer L 61
Pillar L 61
Twin Swords L 61

Twin Spears L 61

Large Shield L 61
Small Shield L 61

Level 70 Armor

Dragon Light L 70

Dragon Plate L 70

Level 70 Weapons

Staff L 70

Scythe L 70

Longsword L 70
Long Hammer L 70
Pillar L 70

Twin Swords L 70

Twin Spears L 70

Large Shield L 70

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Vindictus Bug Fixes|Community Proposal *Un-edited version*

*Reserved for community proposal*

*Disregard this gap*

System Fixes:
• Marketplace Renewal
o Faster item search
o Purchased items will go directly to your Storage Chest 
o The Marketplace will have more specific categories
o New category search
o Item color will now be fully displayed on the search result panel
o Marketplace UI will now pop up instantly when you enter
• Item Balance
o The attack stat increase on weapons rated at +11 or above will be increased.
• Consecutive Party Bonus
o A glitch that issued consecutive party bonuses under abnormal conditions will be fixed
• Battle/Quest Fixes
o During a battle, the Bonus Mission will now be displayed at the bottom of the minimap.
o When you get an Assist, you will now be invulnerable for 8 seconds.
o Pressing the Hand Action key near a ballista during a normal attack or Smash attack motion will now work correctly.
o Difficulty level stars for the Nightmare at the Ruins will now display properly.
o Karok will now properly earn the Kakrish Pillar recipe upon finishing the Secret Battle.
o The item requested from Karok in the Standing Endurance story will be changed to "Kobold Winter Pants"
• Title/Item Fixes
o Epic Enhancement Stones will no longer enhance Erg River
o Hakam's Apprentice and Hakam's Successor titles’ level restrictions will be corrected
o Hakam's Apprentice and Hakam's Successor titles will no longer share stats
o Unattainable title stats will no longer be viewable
o Evie's "Spirited Fighter / Indomitable Fighter" title can no longer be claimed by other characters.
o The problem in which enhancing an item that is not a "Veteran Raiment Tunic" twice after receiving the "Gallagher's Subordinate" story prevents  the "o" icon from appearing on the Mercenary Outpost or on Gallagher will be fixed
• Karok Equipment Fixes
o Karok can now wear following equipment: 
o Kobold Winter Set
o Spider Lord Set
o Laghodessa Slayer Set
o Nightmare Set
• Character Specific Fixes
o Evie
o Evie can now teleport normally after the amber condition is disabled in the blue light area in the Avatar of Destruction battle.
o Evie can now use Bloody Thread on monsters that are jumping or flying in the air.
o Fiona
o Fiona can now acquire the Heavy Stander skill at Level 8, Rank D or higher.
o The delay in using Fiona’s Honeybee Sting after a smash has been fixed.
• Graphics and Sound Fixes
o Game volume will be divided into Game Volume for sound effects and Music Volume for background music.
o The camera angle issues that came up after completing certain battles will be fixed.
o The background skin of storage chest has been changed.
o Graphical glitch on certain items will be fixed.
• Text Fixes
o The correct message will appear when players make a join request to a battle they cannot participate in.
o The correct message will appear when players try to join a ship that has already disappeared.
o The correct message will appear when accepting an assist in a room that has already disappeared.
o Players will no longer receive an error message displayed as a shield when they fail a Battle Pillar Synthesis.
o Missing description will be added for the Rank 9 and higher Fury Infusion skill. 
o Text that states that only staffs can be used for Regeneration will be added.
o Item names in Brynn's Research Bonus Mission will be corrected.
o 'Defeat with bombs' will now say 'defeat with small bombs' on appropriate bonus missions.