WeTheProud was first created May 6, 2011, and as of today June 26, 2011 WeTheProud is officially 50 days old!
As of this day, we're looking forward to one MAJOR update, the Guild HUD update by Nexon.
It was proposed the update would come out ep 8, with a brand new HUD and organization of Guild Members according to their status. Hopefully Nexon will create something useful in terms of socialization and not just add decorations.
There seems to be speculation that the NA director of Vindictus was going to be replaced with the KR director. This is still in fact a rumor.
KR Dye system is FINALLY being implemented July 13 along with Episode 8. KR Dye system allows one player to get 3 dyes for 1 price. First, using Dark Crest as an example, the Player pays 34,900 gold then gets 1 color, the player has a choice within about 30 seconds or a minute (Sorry don't remember) to either keep the color or keep rolling. The 2nd choice repeats, and stops at the last, if the player is not satisfied with the 3rd choice, he must re-pay the 34,900 gold to get 3 rolls again.
Episode 8 there is also speculation for a small addition of Basic Hair being available for purchase as in-game gold. Meaning players can change their hair color of Basic Hair for a certain price.
Episode 8 New Armor Sets Termed as the Raiders Set, Has Low Defense, but Highest Strength for Lann
Evie's set is termed as WONDERLAND set.
Episode 8 Inners/Hair
EPISODE 8 SKILLS: Huge update for Evie Scythe, Nothing for spears lanns/staff evie QQ
Also, Lann's Spirit of the wind and Fiona's Holy ???? Has been eliminated from KR. So these
were two fail skills to begin with.
Here is more info about Episode 8:
So far, there has been speculation for episode 9 armor, apparently it will look like this:
In my opinion, For lann that armor set looks like Dark Crest + Transformation.
Also, I'd like to define the meaning of being an Administrator for WeTheProud
Being an admin is NOT a promotion or title, it's A RESPONSIBILITY.
This means:
-Assisting Guild Members at times possible
-Answering/helping Members with questions as FAQ
-Remaining active as much as possible
-Maintaining a mature and positive attitude towards peers and strangers
-Recruiting Members when the opportunity is available (We do not discriminate by level, we just prefer 24+)
-Kicking by any means necessaries to people who are considered a hazard to our community
-Watching for guild activity (Reward, troll, behavior, manners, racism, stereotype, etc)
-Participating in events/activities and upholding a proper title
Go Go! Zokku.
ReplyDeleteLongest. Post. Evar.
Thanks for the info, cannot wait.
I liked this post. And that Karok Ep9 armor. It's the one he's wearing in the creation picture!
ReplyDeleteAlso, Albey was the name of a dungeon in Mabinogi. It looks like it doesn't relate to it at all.
wats the name of the armore the lann is wearing the one with two shield the looks golden