Saturday, August 27, 2011

Project E.S.O (Every Single One)

This post will be constantly updated with more info! Check back often!
********Update 9/17
Week 3 of ESO, team of 6 tested Klaus breakoff, with the right amount of spears and players, it IS possible.  Successfully finished Gnoll King, Ruler of the Ruins, repetitive breakoff for Prairie

*****Update 9/9
Week 2 of ESO, team of 10 accomplished Blood Prince, Depths of Ainle, Being from the other World, Blood Lord, and finally a quick test of Irukul.
Look forward to next week, as we move on to boat 4, Klaus is approaching...

****Update 9/5
-Executed ESO, team of 12 accomplished Decisive Battle, Kobold Chief, White Tyrant, and Laghodessa.  Breaks are shown in vids, RECORDERS ATTENTION!! Please upload videos via our youtube community acc! (User: wtpcommunity132  Pass: wethepink) 
Thank you to all those who participated, the first 4 runs went smoothly!

***Update 9/1
-Hello September! Scribblar is back, featuring new updates such as Raise Hand, Record Audio Time, lag-free issues, and more.

**Update 8/31 4:32 PM
-Scribblar is unavailable at the moment, please standby for repairs.  The server cvar is having trouble with connections.  
-We will start our first ESO recording this weekend (Decisive Battle or Laghodessa)

*Update 8/28 12:10 AM
-Updated Full Volunteers list (sidebar) with Recorders as indication.
-Ran a test trial for Blood Prince and Laghodessa
Strategy for Laghodessa: Team will consist of 7 players and 1 bait.  In the boss room, all 7 players will remain frozen and wait until bait takes aggro.  Bait will run to the north east of map, cornering himself in death and in the meantime, 7 players will move once he is dead.  They will move to the south west part of map and from there, snipe the front claw of laghodessa (Right or left)
-We will be conducting a Laghodessa official run soon.
-ALL Trial videos will be uploaded on Youtube ACC.

For the next few weeks/months, WeTheProud will be creating a video gallery that consists of Every Single Breakoff for Every Single Boss/ Sub Boss/ Raid Boss in the game.  This will include a series of voluntary work, dedicated hosting, and ultimately Pure Teamwork.  The results will be posted in Nexon Forums, submitted to Vindictus DB, and featured on Youtube.

As this is a great opportunity for our new members to get to know each other, allow us to collaborate with certain guidelines and conditions that are as followed:
1. This project is open for ALL members despite Level.  Every boss in the game has a certain level it abides by, and so we will take volunteers in teams of 4, 6, and 8.  Each team will be categorized by level, but will have to fit in a recorder.
2. It is highly recommended you attain some sort of Voice Chat through in-game or by Scribblar.
3. We will be assigning dedicated hosts for EACH mission such as Zokku: The Giant Break Off
4. We will need a recorder designated for EACH team, if there are not enough, we will combine teams.  Those who have SOLID STATE HARDDRIVES, Please volunteer for this position!
5. Since this is a pretty large project, we will be doing about 1 video a week, most likely a weekend or at a faster pace of 2, 3, etc.
6. Each sub-mission will have an assigned date to run with certain people.  We will try to fit in schedule times as best as possible.

If you wish to participate in this project, please see an Administrator or leave a PM at the guild email
(((( or even in a simpler manner, just call us out in-game.

Q: Why should I volunteer for this project?
A: It'll serve as a great opportunity for You to get involved with the guild, make new friends, earn free raid rides, and ultimately be sponsored by VindictusDB, Wiki, and seen on Live Youtube.  In the end, we will also be giving away a secret prize to our volunteers.

Q: What are the assigned dates for each video?
A: This is a Work In Progress as we do not know the exact # of people participating and the exact schedule to fit in time.

Q: I feel I am not skilled enough or am not ready for these raids, will I still be able to participate?
A: Yes, we would love for you to try and put in the effort for these raids.  It will be frustrating as some breakoffs are nearly impossible Ex. Klaus, but in time we will soon achieve our goal as a Team.  Remember, level does not justify one's skill nor does it raise a person's stats.  A level 61 has the same stats as a level 70.  It all depends on armor/weapon/titles etc.  Even if you are level 1 and wish to participate, we will gladly welcome you for your effort.

Q: This must require some serious teamwork, how do you know we will be able to do E. S. O?
A: Yes, it will require a huge factor of skill, but it will be a great learning experience.  Despite how many times we fail, in the long run we will eventually achieve our goal.  However, we can improve our chances through means of communication, which is why it is greatly emphasized that volunteers try to at least have access to Vocal Chat.

This project can only be achieved with relentless teamwork, zealous effort, and You.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Project has been postponed|Administrative Meeting Scheduled

Project E.S.O has been posted for the meantime due to certain issues.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Administrators, we will be holding a meeting this Friday, at any time assigned.  Please try to be on for this period.  Also, check the guild email for important messages daily.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Our Greatest Milestone is almost here.


Calling out ALL Professional Players of WeTheProud.
And no, it is not a Titan Breakoff if that is what you are assuming.
1. Look at green circle
2. Look at bold text
3. ????

Coming This Friday.

*New* WTP is now live in Youtube!

Check out our brand new Youtube acc! All members will have access to it.

Info is posted at sidebar,
Upload your videos, then show off your skills, or simply just some humor!
Don't forget to check out our "Favorite" videos too!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Guild Status: 8/21/2011 Welcome Members of WeTheProud**Updates!

Hello everyone, Zokku here.

This is just a monthly checkup for the guild and several updates we will be having.  As you all know, many of our veterans and friends have returned back to education/work.  So, it's been fairly quiet..still discerning the env.

Welcome New Members of WeTheProud,

Recently we ended our guild sweep and stopped at a # of 250.  Digressing from the subject, here is a formal welcome to all of you to our community.
WeTheProud is fairly a casual and social community, we DO have several rules and policies to affirm.

-Respect is our key policy, express it in any form you want to, whether it's greeting/convo etc.
-Maintain a fair Activity, not much to demand, just want to know that you're alive ^^ (Once a week)
-Rarely in guilds, we DO have a fairly high tolerance for members, so don't be afraid to express yourself!
-Try to stay on top of news, most of our main activities will be held on this blogspot, so be sure to visit!

Now I could rant and list more common norms, but let's skip the formalities because I'm well aware ALL of you already know typical manners.


-Added a playlist to the sidebar, it is accessible to all members, Share your music with us!
-Added a poll for feedback on playlist
-Added Deviant Art Info, upload your pictures!
-Added WeTheProud Steam Tag Team Public Group
-Added WeTheProud's Branches for all the info above.  All sites are accessible to all members, I entrust the community to handle it appropriately.

-Steam is here! For those of you who own a source ID, please share it with us so that you may reach our other branches of WeTheProud.  Recently, we had a 3 v 3 match in TF2, it was great fun and quite enjoyable
As mentioned before, we are extended to Source, which our public community group is called
"WeTheProud|Tag Team Clan"
Join our public community if you have the chance!  For starters, add me @ "lilyunsta" L-i-L-y-u-n-s-t-a
I do own a share account so my name will be enlisted as WeTheProud|His Living Legacy
Other games we play are:
Team Fortress 2
Counter-Strike: Source
Garry's Mod <---(My personal favorite, a sandbox game)
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

-We are considering to get a vent, but we would like to have a majority consensus so that we will not expend any unnecessary funds on services that won't be used.
-Poll created for feedback on Ventrilo

We currently have 3 Administrators enlisted right now, so feel free to ask them any questions or help.
Angelaeckert, Hotori, Azid

-We are looking for a 4th Administrator to abet and aid our community

Why I plan Lann:

When all 4 classes unite:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to WeTheProud

Friday, August 19, 2011

Guild Sweep TODAY

All new and old members who were active/inactive will be sortied through a list by admins.
Those who are inactive since the past date of the guild recruitment event will be kicked.
This policy will now apply to old members as well.

If you are a victim of the sweep and wish to re-join, re-apply through Guild Home.
Only those who are participants of the BP and Guild will be able to read this message and be
on top of the latest news.

1. All old members prior to the date before the 1st guild sweep will be kicked (Only inactivity)
2. All new members prior to the date AFTER the guild recruit event will be kicked (Inactivity)
3. All members who are justified for warnings will be kicked (Delinquency)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Scribblar Rules (Reminded again), Guild Sweep Moved Up

Got him.

It frustrates me to restate the common normality of what seems to be "rules" for a certain person.  Here I sit before my desk, interrupted of my daily work in handing out permissible files and managing my employees all because of one little "devil" that decides to challenge my authority.
In this case, I would usually be tolerant of such images and slang, but this was crossing the line.

1. Ab-so-lu-tely NO PORNOGRAPHY, we have minors under 18.
2. No racism.  There's a difference between trolling and the latter.
3. Respect others' privacy.  No personal images.
4. No swearing.

From the dwindling emphasis on these rules, I'm sure you can tell what happened.


Due to this, the Guild Sweep will be rescheduled to a sooner date, Aug 19-Aug 21.  Members, try to be active during this period.

This sweep will conduct the following:
1. All inactive players between the date of the guild recruit event and now will be kicked.
2. All alternate accounts will kicked, if you contain an alt, your main will be kicked too.
3. All inactive players before the first guild sweep will now be kicked (No more pardons)
4. The person that caused the incident will be banned, no questions asked, no second chances.

If you are accidentally a victim of the sweep and wish to remain, re-apply through Guild Home.
I will ignore ALL whispers AND people who state they "didn't know there was a sweep".
Ignorance is not an excuse.

It is the members' ONLY policy to at LEAST stay on top of news within the guild.  Otherwise, you are classified as "inactive".

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

*New!* WTP In Deviant Art and Proboards

WeTheProud has made a dA (Deviant Art) Public Page and it is now accessible to all members.

Please use this page mainly as a gallery for the guild and if you wish to show, or save any memorable events, feel free to upload.


Do not change the password!  If you do, we will retrieve the lost password by email and lock the account.


WeTheProud has made a temporary forums in Proboards, we are currently testing this in beta so feel free to drop by.

Current modder: Shoukyaku

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

***Update, Guild Sweep Aug. 26-28|||A Path of Great Treachery|||(Lol! Class Stereotypes)

WeTheProud will be scheduling a monthly guild sweep for those who are inactive or just decided to quit Vindictus altogether.  We understand members will go inactive for a certain time period, 1,2,3,4,5 weeks for school/jobs/traveling.  IF YOU ARE AN OLD MEMBER, YOU WILL NOT BE IN THIS SWEEP SO DO NOT WORRY.  This message applies to those who were recruited IN THE GUILD RECRUITING EVENT.

If you are a new member, but have a personal scenario, please inform an Administrator about your inactivity or leave a message on this blogspot.
The sweep will be coordinated by the Admins and GM.  Admins, please try to familiarize yourselves with those who are active within the guild and those who are not.

It is inevitable that certain members will be kicked.  Therefore, if you are a victim of this sweep, please inform an Admin you were accidentally kicked and wish to remain.  Otherwise, leave another application stating your purpose.

Current count: 307

**WeTheProud will no longer be accepting Alternate Characters in the guild due to reaching member cap.  If you have an alt in this guild, please exit the guild with the alt and make new room for new people.
By the beginning of September 1, ALL ALTS WILL BE KICKED.  You have the right to switch your characters any time you want.
**This policy is temporal due to Nexon not fixing the rankings.  At this point, I would presume we are at least level 4, somewhere in the 20's or 10's rankings.  However, there are rumors of a Guild HUD revamp approaching, so we will maintain such policies until then.  Thank you for your time.
A Path of Great Treachery

It has come to my attention that many should be informed of the psychological and technical aspects of what happens to a guild when it becomes as large as ours.  There is a split road here, and it can lead to one of doom, or one of success.  The decision lies in YOU.

Quote from a random Forum Poster:
In large guilds, people tend to split off in different groups on their own, a few of the members getting along with each other better and will want to raid together. In small guilds the entire guild just stays together as one group. The end result is you really don't have much difference, except maybe the large guild will have one cluster of people that LOVES raiding and LOVES to group with each other, which 'outsiders' will have trouble joining because it's sort of their group - it's better to raid with the people you get along with, rather than try to suck up and squeeze in a spot with the raiders. In small guilds, you can't have that massive cluster of raiders since there's not enough members. The groups are therefore more specific in large guilds than small ones.

This is the path WeTheProud is avoiding to take.  In my experience as a guild member, once a guild becomes TOO large, many members become isolated and secluded from others because there is a gap between generations.  Personally, I know this experience because I was a victim of it.  Old members tend to dominate the chat and social links, while new members are still pretentious about their surroundings and whom they play with.  The result ends with new members causing problems and drama within the guild, then leaving.  In order to fix such an abstract problem, I ask every one of our old veterans to welcome and socially get along with new members of the guild.  Not to an extremity, but one of harmony and adequate peace so that new members will be able to familiarize themselves with other people of the guild.  This in turn, will allow us to expand our community and reach out to new players of Vindictus, as well as those, who left larger guilds due to this.

On another note, interestingly enough there is quite a majority of people in Vindictus who actually wish to avoid large guilds like BOSS, Justice, Feared Alliance, etc.  The reason?  I do not mean to harass these names,  but quote on quote, players have felt left out because members of these guilds would seclude themselves into private raids WITHIN the guild and only socialize among themselves.  This, is a common case seen in guilds that expand too much and then suddenly enclose themselves.  I have seen this case too many times both in WeTheProud and different communities.

Allow me to state this once more, and hopefully never again,

However, I cannot argue or force such an issue because it is completely voluntary.  I only ask you this, as an equal member of WeTheProud and as a good patron for the gaming community of Vindictus.

Lol! Class Stereotypes as viewed in forums.




Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer is coming to an end, WeTheProud's Next Path.

**Notice:  We will be ending the recruit event tomorrow by 6pm PST.  Thank you to all who participated and the outcome was appalling.  We had to end early due to member cap of 300.  Everybody who participated will receive a small gift.  Grand Prizes will be rewarded by PM.

As you all know, the summer fervor is finally coming to an end and transitioning towards the fall season.  People will be returning to their jobs, education, and personal lives out of this gaming world;  We've had our priceless moments of emotional mix and our memories alone are worth to treasure.

WeTheProud's first milestone was setting up a successful party for Blood Lord with about 30 members.  Today we stand atop this milestone with an outstanding 1000% member increase and have hit maximum capacity.  THIS IS ALL DUE TO OUR COMMUNITY EFFORT! THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING WETHEPROUD AND I HOPE WE WILL BE ABLE TO CREATE MANY MORE MEMORIES FOR THE FUTURE!

Several changes that are SUBJECT to occur in August:

-Daily raids will no longer be set to finish ALL, hosts may have different times and split up.

-Monthly sweep will no longer be implicated to those who were active, only those who are inactive will
just be kicked without notice.

-The Fantastic Four will no longer be as active.

-Scribblar may be replaced with another program (Looking for improvements due to lag)

-Vindictus ends with episode 10.  In Season 2, we will transition into this.

-Previous "issues" will be cleared up.  All others will be ignored.

**Note: This is not a good-bye message, just stating that there is quite a number of members who will no longer be as active as they once were.

Rules & Regulations: New & Old Members

New & Old Members of WeTheProud, it has to come to my attention due to recent issues, several members are unaware of the basic policies we hold as human beings, both in society and conscience.  Therefore, I must undermine the norm and further downgrade such expectations to immature people and to those who have caused problems due to ignorance.  Some people here are very mature for their age, and some are merely babies who still require nursing.

-There's a difference between the abstract of Trolling and Respect.  Any form of disrespect shown to ANY individual in our guild is NOT TOLERATED.  THERE WILL BE NO SECOND CHANCES.  This applies to those who don't know how to properly convey their thoughts into a respectful manner and in turn, they blurt out unnecessary statements.  Show some respect in life, it'll help in the long run.

-Any form of hacking/cheating/dealing/scamming in our guild is NOT TOLERATED.  You will immediately be kicked and embarrassed on the spot for swindling another individual just to make a few hundred K.  Save your dignity and pride and leave for the better of our community if you cannot agree with this.

-Partying/Raiding.  We hold a strict policy of FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE.  Those who project themselves for a spot earn it rightfully, but those who remain quiet and later bicker about missing it don't deserve such.  We have posted daily raid schedules to the right sidebar of this post, **Note times are subject to change if the host cannot make it.  Guild members always take first priority in parties/raids.  If you choose to pug go ahead, but do not count on others following you.  Why join a guild in the first place?

-Arrogance.  Don't even try, you're playing a game for christ sake, not curing cancer.  Show any sign of this and I guarantee you within the next second, you'll think you're guild chat bugged.

-There is a variety of age of our community.  Refrain from cursing, swearing, or showing any remarks of racism.  We have minors in our community and many do not need to hear personal lives.  If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it.

TL;DR:  Learn to read, it'll save some of your brain cells.

Disagree with any of these?  Then get out.  I don't need to waste my breath on another 10 year old.

A severe and critical tone has been implicated into these policies due to the recent number of "issues and drama" I have been dealing with.  However, the majority of our members DO show maturity and demonstrate respectful demeanor.

Be proud for who you are.  These choices we make in our lives make us who we are.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

It's Time. GUILD RECRUITING EVENT. 1st Place 10,000 NX + 5,000,000 Gold

Since the day of March 6, 2011, Zokku and his Administrators have spent countless hours in a rigorous course of recruiting new people into WeTheProud.  Today, WeTheProud stands atop 270+ members.  And now... is YOUR chance to show your patriotism towards the guild and at the same time, receive a TREMENDOUSLY OVER-SIZED PRIZE, just for RECRUITING!  This event will last from August 7 to August 14 (Date may be prolonged, still W.I.P)

**Note if you do not win in the top tier, WE WILL STILL AWARD YOU WITH A PRIZE!!!

Every member in WeTheProud will have a chance to participate and recruit as many members as possible.  However, LEVEL does matter SLIGHTLY because recruitment will be based on a point system.
The higher level you recruit, the more points you will be awarded.  LEVEL IS NOT THE GOAL HERE, IT IS THE HIGHEST # OF RECRUITMENT.  The person to have the most points and # of members will win.  
Level is only placed as a factor due to Player Activity.  The Minimum REQ. for Recruiting will be level 24.
Level 24-35::: 1 point
Level 36-70::: 2 points

Here's How It Works:
A player will recruit a member and tell the new recruit to state in his intro "I was recruited by XXX and my level is XX".  
Zokku recruits Level 43 Pink.  Zokku will tell Pink to state in his Application Intro "I was recruited by Zokku and I am level 43"
Admins will keep a list check of who recruited who and Players will only be accepted when the process has finished.
Zokku will earn 2 points for his recruitment and it will be posted here on the blog side bar.  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask or refer to our FAQ

1st place: 10,000 NX points + 5,000,000 Gold
2nd place: 10,000 NX points

Q:  May I recruit my friend or other close relatives?
A: Yes you may, there is no discrimination among members.  We would only prefer to recruit level 36 and above because it is in due to level gap and players around this level tend to be active.

Q:  What should I say in order to recruit these people?
A:  Here is how Zokku recruited 270 people.  Jump channels with active people, find those who do not have a guild and copy + paste in whisper something like, "Hey are you looking for a guild?  We are currently recruiting new active players at the moment."  The power of the spam. 
***Don't forget to tell them to put who he/she was recruited by in the INTRO!!!!

Q:  What if these people join, then just leave?
A:  If the player joins for a "sufficient" amount of time, then points will be rewarded.  The time will not be listed in order to avoid people from bribing.

Q:  Why isn't there a 3rd place?
A:  We are considering this if enough people participate.  However, as this event is still W.I.P we would like to see how many people are willing to participate.  

Q:  This seems like a lot of work to do, how did you recruit so many people?
A:  Personally, it is quite the feat in recruiting many people.  It takes patience, but usually using Zokku's method rakes in about 5-10 people within a few hours. 
We understand it is quite a tough event, but that is why the prizes are GRAND.  We're basically paying you to spam and recruit people.

Q:  How will I know I have the correct amount of points?
A: Zokku and the admins will keep a very secured and organized list of who recruited who.  You may even keep your own list, but only Zokku's will be approved.  As a last word, do not try to add your alts, as we require a certain Time of activity and if we find out it is an alt, you WILL BE DISQUALIFIED AND KICKED FROM THE GUILD FOR CHEATING.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Episode 8 Part 2 Patch.

Ver 1.35: Unveiling the Truth - Button by Button

Views: 355
Date: 8/3/2011 | 

Unveiling the Truth - Button by Button

What has become of the legendary lord of Ortel Castle? The once-beloved legend has fallen, and his brothers in arms now mourn for him. But even through tragedy, they still cling to the hope that the Goddess will deliver them from pain and hardship. Perhaps they are the lucky ones, they who can retain their hope, for they do not know the truths you have uncovered.
The common folk go about their daily lives, ignorant of the truth that has been revealed to you. You were once like them, cast adrift in the tide of lies and deceit the Pontiff's Court flooded the land with. But now you are free, and the entirety of the truth must be revealed, no matter the cost. But be forewarned, the task ahead will be difficult, and blood will be shed. It is inevitable that some will fall. Go, mercenary, and face the demons that the Goddess has placed in your path.


Brand New Skills
Shiny new toys are available for mercenaries to indulge in. Check out these devastating new skills and let your mind play with all the new possibilities.
More InfoSkill Rank Update
The ranks for the following skills have been raised from Rank A to Rank 6.




Upgraded Chatting System
The chatting system has been upgraded to include various functions for your convenience.
Detach the Chatting Window
The chatting window can now be detached from the game window. Click on the "Maximize" button to separate the two. You can combine the two by clicking on the "Minimize" button.
Blocking Unwanted Chatter
Need some peace and quiet. Block unwanted chatter by clicking on the "Block" button. A window will appear where you can type the name of the character you wish to block. If you wish to unblock characters, you can do so from the "Friends" window.
Change Font Size
You will now be able to choose the font size of the chatting window.
Express Yourself
Emoticons are worth a thousand words. Use them to express yourself in a whole new way.
Hero Mode
Only true warriors of the Goddess battle in Hero Mode. Hero mode is now available in the following locations.
  • - Hoarfrost Depths
  • - Hilder Forest Ruins
  • - Fomorian Base
Defense Balance
Defense has been balanced in order for Mercenaries to receive the full benefits of defense stats.


The Second Coming
Have you heard the news? You have a second chance to receive the exclusive White Wings! All you have to do is be in-game on August 7, 2011 at 5:00 PM Pacific (8:00 PM Eastern). Only a chosen few will receive the "White Wings" but everyone logged in will be awarded a prize! Spread the good tidings, and be sure to be in-game on August 7!
More Info


Take an Oath
Do you perform mere lip service to the demands of the Goddess? Profess of loyalty, devotion and dedication to the cause all you wish – She needs more! Take an oath to put your words into action and receive Her blessed bounty!
More Info

Cash Shop

Be elegant! Be a badass! Be yourself! Express yourself to the world with all the new hairs available in the Avatar Shop!
Inner Armor
It's time for a sexy new look. Check out the hot new Inner Armors available NOW!
Face Tattoo
Whether you're a shy person or a Roaring Lion we have a face tattoo for you!
Dazzle 'em Dead Package
Get a 10% discount when you purchase the new Dazzle ‘em Dead Package. This package includes one permanent Inner Armor coupon and one permanent Hair Coupon. Because your looks kill!

Raid Times/Troll Event Winners

Hide-N-Seek Troll Event Winners

Thank you to all who participated in the event!  The numbers were close and nearly tied, but here are the three winners!
Xelaphon, Faticus, Pookychau.

Please claim your prize by sending a message to Zokku via MAILBOX.

Due to the increasing # of daily raids, 1 or 2 raids may not be completed.  If there is time,
these raids will be completed.  However, doing all raids including Patch 8.5 will most likely be
equivalent to the time of finishing Labyrinth.  

Hence, in the next coming days, there will be a vote for Raid priorities. Poll Updated ---------->

Monday, August 1, 2011

Congratulations To MissAya~

Due to Atlanta1's inactivity, MissAya will be replacing the role of administrator and be our 4th Admin for WeTheProud.  The community will look forward to your progress and activity within the guild.
MissAya will be regulating community behavior, maintaining activity, recruiting/kicking, and following up on assistance.  
Feel free to consult the team about ANY issues within the guild.
Our current team is now:

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, MissAya.