Saturday, August 27, 2011

Project E.S.O (Every Single One)

This post will be constantly updated with more info! Check back often!
********Update 9/17
Week 3 of ESO, team of 6 tested Klaus breakoff, with the right amount of spears and players, it IS possible.  Successfully finished Gnoll King, Ruler of the Ruins, repetitive breakoff for Prairie

*****Update 9/9
Week 2 of ESO, team of 10 accomplished Blood Prince, Depths of Ainle, Being from the other World, Blood Lord, and finally a quick test of Irukul.
Look forward to next week, as we move on to boat 4, Klaus is approaching...

****Update 9/5
-Executed ESO, team of 12 accomplished Decisive Battle, Kobold Chief, White Tyrant, and Laghodessa.  Breaks are shown in vids, RECORDERS ATTENTION!! Please upload videos via our youtube community acc! (User: wtpcommunity132  Pass: wethepink) 
Thank you to all those who participated, the first 4 runs went smoothly!

***Update 9/1
-Hello September! Scribblar is back, featuring new updates such as Raise Hand, Record Audio Time, lag-free issues, and more.

**Update 8/31 4:32 PM
-Scribblar is unavailable at the moment, please standby for repairs.  The server cvar is having trouble with connections.  
-We will start our first ESO recording this weekend (Decisive Battle or Laghodessa)

*Update 8/28 12:10 AM
-Updated Full Volunteers list (sidebar) with Recorders as indication.
-Ran a test trial for Blood Prince and Laghodessa
Strategy for Laghodessa: Team will consist of 7 players and 1 bait.  In the boss room, all 7 players will remain frozen and wait until bait takes aggro.  Bait will run to the north east of map, cornering himself in death and in the meantime, 7 players will move once he is dead.  They will move to the south west part of map and from there, snipe the front claw of laghodessa (Right or left)
-We will be conducting a Laghodessa official run soon.
-ALL Trial videos will be uploaded on Youtube ACC.

For the next few weeks/months, WeTheProud will be creating a video gallery that consists of Every Single Breakoff for Every Single Boss/ Sub Boss/ Raid Boss in the game.  This will include a series of voluntary work, dedicated hosting, and ultimately Pure Teamwork.  The results will be posted in Nexon Forums, submitted to Vindictus DB, and featured on Youtube.

As this is a great opportunity for our new members to get to know each other, allow us to collaborate with certain guidelines and conditions that are as followed:
1. This project is open for ALL members despite Level.  Every boss in the game has a certain level it abides by, and so we will take volunteers in teams of 4, 6, and 8.  Each team will be categorized by level, but will have to fit in a recorder.
2. It is highly recommended you attain some sort of Voice Chat through in-game or by Scribblar.
3. We will be assigning dedicated hosts for EACH mission such as Zokku: The Giant Break Off
4. We will need a recorder designated for EACH team, if there are not enough, we will combine teams.  Those who have SOLID STATE HARDDRIVES, Please volunteer for this position!
5. Since this is a pretty large project, we will be doing about 1 video a week, most likely a weekend or at a faster pace of 2, 3, etc.
6. Each sub-mission will have an assigned date to run with certain people.  We will try to fit in schedule times as best as possible.

If you wish to participate in this project, please see an Administrator or leave a PM at the guild email
(((( or even in a simpler manner, just call us out in-game.

Q: Why should I volunteer for this project?
A: It'll serve as a great opportunity for You to get involved with the guild, make new friends, earn free raid rides, and ultimately be sponsored by VindictusDB, Wiki, and seen on Live Youtube.  In the end, we will also be giving away a secret prize to our volunteers.

Q: What are the assigned dates for each video?
A: This is a Work In Progress as we do not know the exact # of people participating and the exact schedule to fit in time.

Q: I feel I am not skilled enough or am not ready for these raids, will I still be able to participate?
A: Yes, we would love for you to try and put in the effort for these raids.  It will be frustrating as some breakoffs are nearly impossible Ex. Klaus, but in time we will soon achieve our goal as a Team.  Remember, level does not justify one's skill nor does it raise a person's stats.  A level 61 has the same stats as a level 70.  It all depends on armor/weapon/titles etc.  Even if you are level 1 and wish to participate, we will gladly welcome you for your effort.

Q: This must require some serious teamwork, how do you know we will be able to do E. S. O?
A: Yes, it will require a huge factor of skill, but it will be a great learning experience.  Despite how many times we fail, in the long run we will eventually achieve our goal.  However, we can improve our chances through means of communication, which is why it is greatly emphasized that volunteers try to at least have access to Vocal Chat.

This project can only be achieved with relentless teamwork, zealous effort, and You.

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