It has come to my attention that Raids are taking WAY too long in terms of preparation and execution.
Therefore, WeTheProud will be configuring a few Raid systematic changes starting now:
1. Delayers will now be kicked: As I stated before, Raids are first come first serve. Those who take too long in joining the party, or deliberately going AFK to go about other activities will be kicked. Just get in the party, finish up, and leave so that everyone can do it accordingly. If you do have an important task please inform your host immediately about what you need to do. That way we can setup the raid at a later time to fit everyone's schedule. This, I will tolerate, but if the user just takes too long, the user will be dropped.
2. Open Parties: This message concerns hosters primarily. If your party is having numerous extensions and problems in forming a full party, either run the raid as a guild in a smaller group, or if in dire need of more firepower, invite outside friends/pugs. The goal here is to maintain a guild activity of 1-3 raids per day. This will allow us to maintain our rank and slots available. However, for easier and smaller raids like Thor and Controlled Black Hammer (Betrayal), these raids can be duo-ed (Refer to our Youtube Thor Duo/Titan Trio video), so still try to refrain from inviting pugs.
3. Class Balance/ Equipment Changes: In all raids, we require a certain number of each race depending on the party's total firepower. If the party is suffering from underpowered Attack or poor defense (1-shot lanns), then the party members will have no choice, but to upgrade or switch party members between other hosters.
Also, be smart about your raids. SPEAR LANNS CANNOT DODGE IN GLAS. ONLY BRING SPEARS IF YOU CAN TANK WITH HIGH DEFENSE (8K-9K DEFENSE). Overall, the party should be able to determine what level, gear, status, each person is holding, so if the party is sufficient in terms of firepower, go ahead and execute the raid in free style. However, if there are too many for ex. Lanns, we will need to require those lanns to bring Swords.
Transformation is also another crucial element. For the harder raids, (Glas/Colru) it is almost required to bring transformation if you have poor gear because the party will take 30 minutes to an hour to finish.
4. Colru Dropped As A Guild Raid: Unfortunately, it has been decided that Colru is to be dropped altogether as a guild raid. The raid takes way too long to setup, has an extremely disturbing party member requirement of 8, and the drops are not worth the time and effort (Who wants to spend decades trying to earn 5m). The attack/defense requirement is also way too high as the resource cost is about twice as much as doing a regular Glas run.
5. Leftover Raids with Leftover Time: If the party has finished the raid early enough to have extra spare time, by all means go ahead and run ANY RAID you want, including colru. The point here is to maintain our Guild Rank specifically so that we can keep our Free Slots, and expand further into the Vindictus Community. After a few study sessions, it's been determined that the majority of our guild rank comprises of our member numbers and levels. Raids are only used to maintain guild ranks, so 1 raid a day is the bare necessity.
2 Essential Guild Raid Terms/Strategies EVERYONE needs to know:
1. Transaturate: (Derived from the pun of combining transformation and saturation (SC2))
In ANY raid such as Glas, the party will have a time gap to execute a full on transformation. During this time, through damage study and nerd charts, it's been confirmed that parties that execute ALL transformation at the same time, will be able to saturate the MOST damage out of their transformations. For example, a party that has 8 people transforming at the same time, rather than a party that has 3 people transforming, then 2, and another 3 transforming in different intervals, will saturate the MOST damage. The reasoning behind this is due to the knockback rates of the boss being tremendously higher for parties that execute full-on transformations.
So, if Zokku or your hoster mentions Transaturate, be PREPARED TO TRANSFORM. If you do not have transformation, please inform us immediately.
Transaturate will look like the following:
Zokku: Transaturate
(Everybody should be transforming, f1 is the signal to transform)
2. Evie RG Down the list, etc.: (Specifically for Colru) RG Chains are the MOST powerful SP chain in all of Vindictus strategies. The reason behind this is not because of the numerous RGs, but the huge time gap that gives lanns, fionas, and karoks the ability to use full on DPS. In colru during the 4 golem stage, try to save an RG for the main colru, so that chains will be able to be executed.
Normally an Evie RG Chain is commenced by going down the list. So for example if the list looks like:
Altenna be will the first to execute his RG, and before he does so, he will F1 or spam NICE to inform everyone of what is happening. After doing so, the next person, RakeshP will follow along.
(Due to certain guild issues, the 3rd Annual Guild Event Series will be postponed to next weekend,
March 2-4)
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