Wednesday, July 4, 2012

24 Man Guild Raids Exclusive Launch | Preparation for Kai "WeTheKai"

Here's the latest changes for WeTheProud Community.

1. Guild Event: Scavenger Hunt! 1st place 100m, 2nd place 50m, 3rd place 25m.
Read all about the details below this post!

2. 24 Man Guild Raids- It's been decided that Guild Raids will no longer focus on the Daily 8 mans, but will now comprise of the 24 Man Raids that are 3 times a week.  I believe that this will help the community transition from our small capacity to a larger and more fun sized number.  No longer will people have to worry about fitting a specific time schedule with a hoster, but now players can join a 24 man with Guild members at a specific time.  Members will no longer have to worry about Stats as 24 mans will most likely be successful with full Guild participation.  Also, this puts much less pressure on the Hosters because now, the guild will no longer need Dedicated hosters, saving resources and the effort of those who have done so.
I believe this is also a necessity as members need to find a common grounds to gather together as a guild and  find a reason to raid.  Without this form of unity, there is really no point in joining a guild.  This is also another benefit to publicizing the name of WeTheProud, as pugs who join will be able to see the efforts and unity of our community.

On another note, this does not mean WTP will stop hosting 8 mans.  If the hoster is available or if members wish to do a certain raid with enough players, then of course we will do so.  However, this is to notify members that we will not have a dedicated schedule with a dedicated time.  Worst case scenario, if nobody wishes to do a certain raid or if everybody has already done so for the day, that member will have to just pug it.  Otherwise, please refer to the Hoster list on the right and ask if anybody wishes to join them on the requested raids.

New Schedule:
Wednesday- 24 Man Raid "Elchulus"- These Tears are still worth 200-300m, very expensive.
Saturday- 24 Man Raid "Siglint"- Easier to accomplish with a unified guild, and drop is still about 50-100m.

For now, we will stick with doing One 24 man raid on these days.  If members wish to do more, we can do all 3 24 mans or just stick to 1.  The type of raids such as Elchulus, Siglint, Beokros are all subject to change.  Once again, this is all in experimentation to fit the gaming schedule of the community.

3. Preparation for Kai - Unfortunately, WeTheProud has reached max capacity for members and I know that everyone is going to be on their Kais first thing.  However, I do also believe that not everyone is going to stay on their Kais for more than a week, so I believe the best course of action to pursue in unifying our Kais is to make an additional guild.  The guild will have the name "WeTheKai" as voted by members and it is mainly easy to recognize as a branch of WeTheProud.  Once the Kai "trend" is over, I will let in any members who decide to main Kai into WeTheProud.  However, once everyone is done with their Kais, I will disband WeTheKai unless members wish to keep the name.

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