Sunday, August 21, 2011

Guild Status: 8/21/2011 Welcome Members of WeTheProud**Updates!

Hello everyone, Zokku here.

This is just a monthly checkup for the guild and several updates we will be having.  As you all know, many of our veterans and friends have returned back to education/work.  So, it's been fairly quiet..still discerning the env.

Welcome New Members of WeTheProud,

Recently we ended our guild sweep and stopped at a # of 250.  Digressing from the subject, here is a formal welcome to all of you to our community.
WeTheProud is fairly a casual and social community, we DO have several rules and policies to affirm.

-Respect is our key policy, express it in any form you want to, whether it's greeting/convo etc.
-Maintain a fair Activity, not much to demand, just want to know that you're alive ^^ (Once a week)
-Rarely in guilds, we DO have a fairly high tolerance for members, so don't be afraid to express yourself!
-Try to stay on top of news, most of our main activities will be held on this blogspot, so be sure to visit!

Now I could rant and list more common norms, but let's skip the formalities because I'm well aware ALL of you already know typical manners.


-Added a playlist to the sidebar, it is accessible to all members, Share your music with us!
-Added a poll for feedback on playlist
-Added Deviant Art Info, upload your pictures!
-Added WeTheProud Steam Tag Team Public Group
-Added WeTheProud's Branches for all the info above.  All sites are accessible to all members, I entrust the community to handle it appropriately.

-Steam is here! For those of you who own a source ID, please share it with us so that you may reach our other branches of WeTheProud.  Recently, we had a 3 v 3 match in TF2, it was great fun and quite enjoyable
As mentioned before, we are extended to Source, which our public community group is called
"WeTheProud|Tag Team Clan"
Join our public community if you have the chance!  For starters, add me @ "lilyunsta" L-i-L-y-u-n-s-t-a
I do own a share account so my name will be enlisted as WeTheProud|His Living Legacy
Other games we play are:
Team Fortress 2
Counter-Strike: Source
Garry's Mod <---(My personal favorite, a sandbox game)
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

-We are considering to get a vent, but we would like to have a majority consensus so that we will not expend any unnecessary funds on services that won't be used.
-Poll created for feedback on Ventrilo

We currently have 3 Administrators enlisted right now, so feel free to ask them any questions or help.
Angelaeckert, Hotori, Azid

-We are looking for a 4th Administrator to abet and aid our community

Why I plan Lann:

When all 4 classes unite:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to WeTheProud

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