Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Hello WTP community, this is a late warning message to all those who have recently faced scammers impersonating GMs.  As this message is viewable to other GMs, I highly recommend all other GMs to warn their members of what their aliases/alts are in order to avoid such scenarios like this:

Thank you Toakashi for reporting this to me directly before taking action.  Such a decision is exemplary for the utmost highest security route for any guild member out there.
Hence, in order to prevent such scamming, I believe it is necessary to review certain policies/traits that WTP holds.

1. WTP as a community will NEVER force ANY member to engage in any misc/suspicious activity that is prohibited by Nexon or as so enlisted by their ToS/Services.
2. Respect draws the fine line of tolerance we hold in our community, and judging from the diction choice of this scammer, please be aware, as a GM, Zokku will NEVER respond with such illiterate/rude comments.
3. Zokku will always be on Zokku.  Any other name that uses such similar identities, is NOT coincidence.  Please keep this in mind.
4. Other guild member to guild member suspicious activity WILL BE MONITORED, Hacking/Botting is absolutely INTOLERABLE and will immediately evoke a ban.

Player harassment is unintended in this image, ToS by Nexon.

End message.

As you can see, I happen to be Zukko, the Fire bending dude from the Last Airbender.

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