Thursday, March 8, 2012

The First Official Marriage of Vindictus

As society proliferates the emergence of cyber relations, Vindictus is not to be left out in this aspect as a new possibility.  Personally, I highly doubted such an event could occur, let alone due to Nexon's previous methods of marriage in "Maplestory", which was supposed to be a satirical and comical joke.  However, I stand corrected as Vindictus joins this "genre" of a whole new meaning in the social sector.  This, my brethren, is why Nexon stands today as a rival against Blizzard, an empire of milking greenbacks BECAUSE they know exactly how to create their own Facebook.

A forumer (TidusZCP) or Western player that I have recently engaged in contact to has announced his marriage!

Hey guys! I'm no good at writing out detailed stories so Ill give you the short version. Basically, me and my girlfriend met on Vindictus, we were both level 20-somethings, doing a Prepare for counterattack run. And we were all bored sitting around the campfire waiting for the next wave to spawn, and I told a joke to the other 3 people in the run (Why was the baby strawberry crying?...................Cause its mom was in a jam! (lame I know haha)). And after the run was done I got a friend request from her, and we hit it off. We played for hourrrrrssss, and everyday that week we were both so shy but so excited about eachother we would basically just sit at our computers waiting for the other person to log on haha. After several days we moved into talking on Skype while we played, and then eventually we called eachother, then finally she came out here and stayed with me for about 2 months. And I have never met anyone like her, shes sweet, shy, beautiful, soft spoken, talented, gawd so many things (yeah its sappy lol). ANYWAYS, I proposed to her about a week ago, and she said yes! 

Quite the atypical outcome that most of us would expect in an online relationship, but hey, love works in mysterious ways~

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