Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quick Fix for NGM authentication error.

For those of you facing NGM authentication error, login vindictus using YOUR email address that was assigned when you first made your ID. That email must be submitted in login WITH the @gmail/yahoo/hotmail symbol.
For ex.
-pass :derp

Another method can be deleting CurrentInfo.txt from your ENG-US Vindictus folder located in C:/Nexon. Haven't verified if this method works yet, but this is more of a backup plan.
Warning: Deleting CurrentInfo.txt will re-patch the game, so do not think this is abnormal.

It has also been stated that email addresses may have been reset, so any means in trying to change email via login, will deny any Last Name/Birthday assigned to the ID.

Credits to Virl.

1 comment:

  1. I have tried both your solutions but they doesn't work, i still facing "NGM authentication error"
