Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Zero Tolerance.

There comes a time when flies turn into flames.  Then these flames turn into living beasts and transmogrify into what we call, the Troll.
This is a two-faced post, one that is of Grief, and one of great Distress.

The following members are Banned from the guild:

4 other members have left on their own whim for personal reasons (Asked to keep private).

WeTheProud enforces a zero tolerance policy, "Members are expected to follow the basics of manner, respect, and cooperation with one another".  Immaturity and failing to acknowledge the difference between Aid and Use is not tolerable. There is no such thing as a second chance in life.

1 comment:

  1. I troll, only for the lulz. Tease taunt and make silly jokes at the expense of things unrelated to anyone in game, unless I'm talking about Karok, Evie, Lann or Fiona.

    This is of course, all in good fun. I'm also the first one to make fun of myself in the process. This is a game, and something we do for recreation. The greatest thing any of you can do is make me lol.

    Sad behavior makes me a sad Panda.


