Sunday, June 24, 2012

Results of Old Poll, New Poll: Should WTP Host Dedicated Times?

Z's back and here's the current situation in the fast lane:

Results of Old Poll:
Keep Blogspot Changes? Answer: No
I will revert the blogspot to its original black interface.

What do YOU want from the community? Answer: More Events/Social Expand
More events will be implemented very soon. I highly agree with this area.  Mainly, events are a bit troublesome to create because it requires organization and ultimately gathering a prize pool.
Social expand is currently our top priority and so far, the community's become a lot more active to the point where I can begin relaxing upon our expansion and focus more on the events.
Make Raids more fun to attend to is also a priority for us as well.  However, I believe with the release of ep 10, and the implementation of more events, this will be more than enough to satiate the players.
Vindictus is dead, I want to play another game is somewhat on the off list.  Since, Vindictus has extended to the Steam branch, we'll try to choose a game that players will want to actually play.  As of right now our top list includes:
Team Fortress 2 (FPS Free to play)
Killing Floor ($20, Zombie Survival)
Minecraft ($??, Sandbox)
Garrysmod ($10, Sandbox with better graphics)
Maplestory (Casual Play, Free to play)
If you wish to recommend other games, please do share.

WTP has been hosting Dedicated Guild Raids in the past in order to maintain guild rank and activity within the guild.  GRaids have also saved people time and white hairs from "pugging", which could result in high chances of failure and ragequits.  However, GRaids are also somewhat hard to establish given most people do not live in the same timezone, let alone the schedule of activities.

Note: This does not mean WTP will not host raids!  We will no doubt host raids for the community, but this issue remains prioritized on whether we should implement a dedicated time or not.

It's already given that WTP will host raids.  However, the real question remains to be, should WTP have a Dedicated time?

Pros of having a Dedicated Time:
1. Saves people time and hairs
2. Organized scenarios where there's no need to rush
3. People will be able to join at a specific time rather than squeezing unnecessary issues

Cons of having a Dedicated Time:
1. If the Hoster cannot make it that certain time, it will be hard on the hoster
2. Sometimes, the hoster may not have a full party, and as a result, may fail the raid
3. Players will have a sense of "must play at this time" responsibility.

It's all up to you! Please vote on the right hand bar------------------------------------>

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