Monday, December 17, 2012

Ho-Mother Of-Tori

Hotori if you ever read this post I finally decided to watch Clannad and the masochist one you rec'd me.
The masochist one was pretty funny, I enjoyed it while eating my snax.
Now Clannad.
Words cannot express the emotions that s*** took me through.  I hate/love you at the same time for showing me this, but sweet mother of mercy never have I seen something so depressing...
I'll brb locking myself in my room for the next 3 months depressed and bawling in a corner.
I mean, the movie and original series was freaking destructive enough, but After Story?  That s*** just rained. RAINED I TELL YOU. RAIN OF TEARS.

Ty, gl and hf.

Zokku has officially died.  I was going to level my Vella, but after watching this, I may as well delete, ban myself, uninstall the game, throw laptop out the window and fly to Rancho Cucamonga where I will live as a part time waiter that comes home to 3 cats and an adopted orphan from a daycare that I own.
Interests crushed. Goals crushed. Dreams crushed. Life crushed.  GG.

Team members, don't watch it.  It will ruin your day life.


  1. clanned made me cry so many times when i 1st watched it Q_Q great anime tho!!

  2. Clannad is great. I loved it to death. And how is it depressing when it has such great good endings?
