Sunday, December 16, 2012


Never in my Vindictus career have I ever been faced with such a troubling issue.  It's so trivial, yet so crucial in the Vella factor that I must, must, MUST allocate 3 hours of my time in order to create the PERFECT body proportions of a female.

Height is Max, but this makes Vella look way too giant and more manly. Ew.
Chest, the real question is...who didn't max out the bar?
Arms, made a tiny bit smaller in order to create more proportion for Chest
Shoulders, made default since I couldn't see much of a difference
Waist, this was HUGE, it actually changed the Chest size, which totally debunked my mentality of non-chest effects.  This area was...quite troubling, but made it about 75% smaller.
Legs, this was also HUGE, since Vella has ginormous legs

Yes, sometimes aesthetics are just that important.

Anyways, Zokku here speaking that I'll be side-maining Vella for a while.  Nexon actually created a fun character!  IGN: Zaranghae

"Saranghae" = I love you in Korean, but with a Z for Zokku.  Mindblown, right?


  1. In response to the boob size, I for one, did not go max. I'm not fond of huge boobies. C cup at max. ~Tach

  2. Death to Tachumo, all in favor?


  3. What!? NO NO NO! No one has agreed to this!!
